Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lamp Post Thanks/Setlist


Thanks to all ye who came out to the Lamp Post last Thursday night, that was awesome. I highly recommend checking out Thomas Francis Takes His Chances http://thomasfrancistakeshischances.bandcamp.com and Citizen Blast Kane https://www.facebook.com/CitizenBlastKane

They were incredible. We played the following:

Out of Sorts
Cruel and Usual Punishment
Spare Tire
Stealing Coins From Wishing Wells
I Rattle When I Run
Dire Straits
Sea of Death
The Red Eye

It was nuts. We have some wonderful shows coming up soon so check back soon for more info on where/when those will be happening.

In other news, I'm finishing up the first of all the new albums on the way. I apologize for the delay, and since nobody reads this, I guess I am apologizing to myself. But I'm not just slacking, I'm making sure that every song gets the full-assed treatment (as opposed to the usual half-assed treatment). Some songs I thought were done months ago have taken on an entirely new shape and sound, much for the better. As I've said many times, Lifeguard Nights does not believe in perfection, but at the moment we're striving for pretty fucking awesome, at the very least. It will be worth it, trust me.

Safe swimming,

Vincent & Lifeguard Nights

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